WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! I am about to gush about how amazing my husband is. If you don’t want to listen to the gushing I would not read much farther.
My husband is an amazing Papa Daddy! (I wanted the girls to call him Papa but sometimes I would slip and call him Daddy…Cedi now calls him Papa Daddy!). On Saturday, I slept in a little longer than he did and I woke up to this scene:He had the girls all set up at the counter and helping him make the pancakes! Seriously! How cute is this!
They both absolutely LOVE to help with any cooking or baking we do (thanks Grandma) so this was a real treat to them! Papa Daddy is so good at including the girls in everything he does…much better than I am. I still remember coming home one day after he had had the girls for awhile…somehow he managed to change the oil in the truck! I guess Cedi was very good at getting him his tools and Capri took a nap in the stroller. The girls just adore him and have such a great time toolin’ around the orchard in his truck with him.

I think it is great how you appreciate your husband. Sweet pictures too.
wonderful example to the girls!
Kim ~ I think it's great to hear how much you appreciate Jared. Thanks for sharing that ~ cute pictures, too.
Awww, how sweet.
And food coloring to the pancakes?? Never would have thought of that. Thanks for the tip!