When I became a member of the CABTeam of Etsy I saw that a Project Linus effort had been started. This is something I’ve always wanted to do but hadn’t taken the time to do it. Now was my chance! All we had to do was: Make four 12" quilt blocks (Blocks should measure 12.5" to allow for 1/4" quilting seams) in any kid-friendly color or pattern. We are making two boy quilts and two girl quilts, but you can make gender neutral blocks if you like. Well, I sat down the other day and finished my blocks…they are all pretty different but I had fun making them!
A signature block.
This was going to be a 16 patch but I calculated incorrectly so I added some random sashing to get it to measure 12.5” square. I think it looks even cooler now!
Do you see the zebra? They were mailed, received and ready to be put into a quilt! I hope whoever gets the quilts LOVES them 🙂
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