I’m going to start out this post with a disclaimer that I AM NOT A BLOGGER expert. I have been blogging now for about a year and have had to figure a lot out to make it more efficient, attract more viewers and make it at least look semi-nice. If anyone has any tips or advice or think that I’m doing things a really long way I would LOVE to hear a better way. I am always trying to learn new and better things and ways! I received a convo from a fellow etsian with a few questions about blogging and thought it would be a great opportunity for a tutorial on my blog. Here’s her first question: 1. How do I make a link like you do, where all they have to do is click on one of the text words & it links? Hope that makes sense! I’ve messed around with the "link" icon on the post page, but can’t figure it out. Step 1: Write your blog post in blogger. Step 2: Highlight the text you want to be linked to another spot.
Step 3: Click on the link icon (shown in green)
Step 4: A hyperlink box pops up on your screen.
Step 5: Type in the web address in the line that says URL and click on ‘OK’.
Step 6: You’re DONE! Your text should now be a hyperlink! Either create more or publish your post!
A few other questions that I’m going to answer to the best of my ability:
2. Is there some tricks I need to know about placement of pictures in a post? Its always so hard to get them where I would like them. Do I add all pictures first, then text? If I am creating a post in blogger I always try to insert my pictures first. I’ve found that it works easier that way…otherwise I get really large spacing between things and it’s a pain to try to reformat without accidently deleting things… I have also find that using the center or left alignment option for photo’s works the easiest.
3. The other thing is spaces between paragraphs or lines….If I add spaces, it seems they aren’t there when I publish….or sometimes it adds spaces when I don’t want to….and its never fixable if I try to edit. My answer to this is patience. I’ve had the same problems and it seems that it can take three to four times of editing to get the spacing the way I want. Sometimes it helps to just leave it alone and come back later. Not really sure…maybe someone else can help us out with this one. After all that being said I would recommend looking into downloading the program ‘Window’s Live Writer.’ It’s free and is really handy and user-friendly for posting to blogs. If you decide to do this, I’ll give you some time to play around a little while but please feel free to ask me any questions and I’ll do my best to help you out. (Again…I am NO expert :)) I hope this helps at least a few people!
THANKS!! Gonna try it all tomorrow morning when I add my new TREASURE HUNT game info and post.