Cedi and Capri have been sleeping through the night for a couple of months now (knock on wood). Last night we were woken up by Cedi screaming “MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY, DADDY, DADDY, DADDY!” I quickly woke up and headed up the stairs.
Turns out she was having a bad dream. When I got there she told
me the emu was biting her (yes, Cedi knows what an emu is…Grandma and Grandpa have two…). She was absolutely terrified. She curled into a ball and would not leave my arms. I’ll be interested to see what happens the next time Cedi’s around Mac ‘n’Tosh (the emu’s).

Back to Cedi’s bedroom, 2am: I tried to put my glasses on the floor and she held onto my neck while I did it. I couldn’t get comfortable up stairs in her bed so I ended up bringing her to bed with Jared and I (we have a king so it’s not too crowded). She felt much better with Mama and Papa there. When we got to the bed she asked daddy, “Are you protecting me?” Papa of course, said, yes. Then, referring to me, mama, Cedi said, “She’s protecting me too.” I was very impressed with her use of a pronoun! So cute! She quickly fell asleep in my arms and I did too.
Jared and I managed to sneak out of bed this morning and she is still peacefully sleeping. I absolutely love watching my babies sleep…they are like angels.
Can’t wait to see what adventure’s today holds!
Emus are not my favorite animals either. I remember being "chased" by an emu when we were in Australia and my husband was laughing at me telling me that it was just trying to be friendly!
Have a good weekend!
hahaha! that is hilarious.
though, i agree, emus are kind of creepy. poor thing.