I know, I know, my title is a total cliche…but it is also SO TRUE! This post will be updating every once in awhile as Cedi continues to astound me with the things that come out of her mouth and I’m sure Capri will do the same once she starts to talk.
Here are a few of my favorite’s thus far:
This is Cedi’s standard response when we tell her to sit at the table (oh…and she SCREAMS this): “On the knees! On the knees!”
I have no idea when Cedi said it but it was hilarious: “Suck it!”
When I asked Cedi what she wanted for her second birthday her response was “Boobies.” Trying to get out of giving her boobies for her birthday I asked who her favorite story book character was thinking I could get her a stuffed animal or something…her response: “Jesus“. Yes, my child asked for Boobies and Jesus for her second birthday.
One evening Cedi bumped her knee on the table and said, “Ouch! My patella hurts!” and yes, we called her aunt Karma, the physical therapist, and a patella is a knee cap.
5/29/09: My friend Julie, from Creek Bed Farm, was over with her daughter Elizabeth for our weekly ‘coffee date’. Cedi was eating her yummy cake and looked directly at Julie and said: “I don’t want my belly button pierced.” Completely out of the blue!
6/11/09: Instead of asking me for milk today Cedi said, “I want strong bones and teeth!”
6/11/09: “I wanna go poop. Shut the door and leave me alone.” – Cedi
7/14/09: “Momma, my panties are in my butthole!” – Cedi
8/27/09: The first thing out of Cedi’s mouth this morning was, “When I stand up my belly button closes.”
12/11/09: “Don’t you say Moo to me” – Cedi talking to Capri
Please feel free to comment on some of the adorable/random things your kids/grandkids have said!
OkaY, this is borrowed from our best friend's boy Henry, who is 2. While putting on rain boots: "Mommy? Are these boots or boobs? Boots? Or boobs? Mommy! MOMMY! BOOTS OR BOOBS?!"
My patella hurts. Ha! That's great! I can't wait until Keaton starts talking…
Ha! Love it. Way to keep up the blog. 🙂