I recently received a convo from a new buyer on etsy that said, Hey! I received my ring and it’s so gorgeous! Thank you very much. I would like to add to your feedback area but I’m afraid I’m not sure how to work it. Any help?
Thank you,
One very happy customer 🙂 It made me think that she’s probably not the only first time buyer that’s not familiar with how the feedback system on etsy.com works so I decided to put together a quick tutorial on how to leave feedback. The easiest way is to do it right when you first sign in to etsy. Right under the main etsy bar there is a notice that says “YOURSHOPNAME! You need to leave feedback for x items: Click here to leave feedback.” Click on the link. It will bring you to a page that looks like this:
The next step is easy…you just click on a circle, either Positive, Neutral or Negative, write a comment if you’re really happy or unhappy about a particular thing and click submit! Feedback left!
If you want to leave feedback for more than one thing at a time you’re going to want to choose ‘batch feedback tool’. If you don’t choose this, etsy only allows you to leave feedback for one thing at a time. Now, if you’re already into etsy and you realize you want to leave some feedback you can also do this through ‘Your Etsy’ Page.
Then, just follow the same as before…fill out the feedback! I hope this tutorial helps everyone that didn’t know about the feedback tool in etsy. It is very important to us sellers that our customers fill out the feedback. I know I personally love to hear what people think of what I am selling and it helps to show others that my work is quality. Also, here’s a link to read all about ‘feedback’ options in the Storque on etsy: http://www.etsy.com/storque/search/title/feedback/
Thanks Kim – I wish I'd read this when I first started here at etsy – It's only a little different from other sites I'd used but it can be intimidating at first.
No problem TDavio…I'm always looking for new blog topics and this one hit me as useful!
Thanks for the tutorial! 😀
Thinking of sending this to customers.
Etsy needs to make it easier for customers to navigate this section of the process…