Today I have the pleasure to introduce you to Lisa Jack, a wonderful woman that my husband works with. She recently sent him home with a bag of soaps that she made for us to try out…they are fabulous! I wish her the best in her latest endeavor and I hope you enjoy learning more about Lisa, her inspirations, and ‘Jack’s Soaporium!’
Tell me a little about your background in soap. When did you first start and what inspired you to take this project on?
I first started making soap when I was 7 years old in the bathroom sink I would mix up flower petals, water, toothpaste just about anything I could get my hands on. After mixing it all up I would put it in little bottles…it was a mess. I must say a lot has improved since then. I was inspired about 1 year ago, while in my garden…nine bees that were hiding in a ground nest stung me. I grabbed a hand full of Calendula flowers and took off for the house while rubbing calendula all over the bites. Within about 10 min the hives and stinging was gone…That was the moment I started researched the medicinal values and history of the flower my findings were truly serendipitous. After many-failed attempt to find calendula soap, I decided I needed to make
calendula soap. A all Natural, unrefined, pure soap using calendula as my primary element I build the soap around the flower. I wanted to create a truly natural soap that was going to be the challenge, a soap with all organic unrefined pure elements provided by nature that would far surpass any store bought refined, bleached, artificially enhanced, packed with preservitives, over priced, mass produced grocery store soaps.
What were the first things you created and how did you expand from there?
The first thing I made was a pure unrefined all natural golden batch of calendula soap, I added more flavors to my collection of soaps, I gave the soaps to my friends and family to sample…and it has grown from giving the soaps away….To creating soap snobs (people who now will only use all natural Shea Butter Based Jack’s soaporium soaps).
How do you plan on expanding your product line?
I have expanded my product line to 3 other flavors of Golden Shea butter based soaps, which include Calendula Golden Shea, Lavender Golden Shea and Honey Oat Golden Shea. I am currently working on two new flavors.
What does it take to make an all natural soap?
A lot of research, studying saponification values, understanding essential elements such as herbs, spices, oils, tallow’s, natural oils and the procedures that are necessary to make a good solid ALL NATURAL soap.
Understanding organic chemistry sure did not hurt, calculating values, research & choosing the best oils…oils that complement each other, and will enhance skin health and healing. Testing the formula, understanding fat discounting in saponification values all this is essential to making a better quality, all natural, safe, skin healthy soap.
My process included all of these aspects. I researched herbology, I chose to grow my own herbs to protect the natural elements; I do not use pesticide, or fertilizers, I chose to steam distill my own herbs and spices with pure artesian water as I do not want essential oils that have been suspended in alcohol or preservatives. I import all of my unrefined, unbleached, all natural oils from trusted vendors through fair trade.
What are your other interests besides soap making?
Graphic arts, Reading, Martial arts, Biking, Researching organic elements, growing my own herbs, distilling my own essential oils for my soaps, studying saponification values of different oils.
What is the customer ‘favorite’ as far as scents go? So far my customers like the Calendula the best as it has a very earthy scent. I don’t think it is the smell of the Calendula that attracts people, but instead the color, the healing properties and the results it has on one’s skin.
What is your personal ‘favorite’?
My favorite for my skin is the Calendula Golden Shea, My favorite for the smell is the Honey, Oat & Golden Shea.
Any words of advice for others planning on starting their own business?
Your product should be something you yourself are interested in there must be a necessity for what you have to offer. Have a good business plan, work the plan, and practice good book keeping skills.
Here are a few comments left on Lisa’s website:
I have been using the Calendula Soap and shea butter cream for about 6 weeks now. My hands cracking and bleeding in winter due to washing between patients is now a thing of the past! These products are the absolute highest quality that I have seen! Bravo ~Dr. Michelle Jermier
This soap feels great — it rinses well and leaves my skin feeling soft, not taut and dry. I highly recommend it!! Jacks Soaporium has taken green to a whole new level. This soap lasts forever, in fact I was anxious to try the other flavors long before the bar was gone. ~Nichie
Your soap rocks! The scent isn’t real strong and it smells so natural. The bar last forever and it is well worth the money. ~Zeke
Don’t forget to go to to read even more about Lisa’s wonderful soap and see more comments others left! Enjoy!
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