On Saturday, right before bed, she hit her head on the island…she always hits her head and it always seems to be right before bed. I kept her up for awhile and she seemed fine so I put her to bed. At 1:30 I woke up because I thought I heard her throw up…but she didn’t cry. I went to check on her anyway and sure enough, she had. I got Jared up and we threw her in the tub and I stayed up to hold her. She continued to throw up and finally at 3:30 I called the on-call doctor to see if we should be concerned since she hit her head and was now throwing up. He told us to take her to the ER. We dropped Cedi off at G&G’s (thanks guys!) and then headed into Madison. Of course, the roads were really crappy (it had snowed) and it took us an extra 30 minutes to get there. When we arrived they were waiting for us and no one else was there…I couldn’t believe how fast it went. I have never been to the ER before but from the stories I’ve heard our visit was not a typical visit. They had a doctor in to see us 5 minutes after we arrived. He determined that it was most likely just a coincidence that Capri hit her head and started puking later in the evening. She was alert and reacting just fine. He sent us home with orders for a fluid diet and keep an eye on her.
Definitely a relief. We got home around 6:30. I think we spent more time in the car driving to and from the ER than in the ER itself.
Capri continued to be sick until that afternoon when she stopped throwing up but developed a fever.
She had a fever all day yesterday and slept for the majority of the day. It was so hard to watch her be like that and not call the doctor…but I did call my mom 🙂 As I stated earlier, I think she’s doing much better today…we’ll see once she wakes up again. Hopefully, Cedi does not catch whatever Capri had and our lives will be back to normal soon.
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