Here it is again folks…my treasury special. Instead of doing this blog every time I make or am in a treasury I’m going to try to just do it once a week….namely, Saturdays. I will still keep an updated list of treasuries I’ve made or that my work has been included in on the top left of this blog.
‘January Blahs…Cheer Me Up’ was put together by SewUpScale and featured a Rainforest Pillowcase from my shop (4th row, middle column).
This treasury is called ‘the call of the wild’ and was put together by ThreadedExpressions. She chose to use my Animal Print Wristlet in this treasury (1st row, middle item).
This treasury is called ‘No More for you Kiddo’ by etsybaby and it’s referring to the dumb new CPSIA law that requires third party lead testing on all items for children under 12 and will put pretty much all the small businesses that make the items parents actually want out of business. This treasury features the Alphabet Pillowcase from my shop…second row, first column.

QuiltingCafe put together this treasury called Mardi Gras Time and features my Disappearing Dog Star Quilt. (first row, third column)

The treasury ‘Love and Cherish’ was put together by SerenStitches who featured my Mystery World Quilt (first row, first column).

This treasury is called ‘Delightful Browns’ and was put together by JabaroDesigns. My Sand Dune Shoulder Bag was featured in the fourth row, 1st column of this treasury.

‘Deer Trees Snow’ was put together by DragonHouseofYeun and feature’s Diane’s Doe a Deer Wallhanging – Part 2 (1st row, third column)
This one was called its….not easy being green when it’s BELOW ZERO! and I made it a green themed treasury featuring various artists that I hadn’t seen before, some from my quiltsy group and just some of my favorites!

Nice treasuries! I love the one with the baby items =)
great idea! thanks for posting the treasuries
What a nice blog idea! I have never had a treasury. I gave up. –equivoque
wow! that is crazy!