Greetings from Houston! I’m writing up this tutorial as I wait for my bus to take off. We’re going to be heading to a couple of quilt shops before we get to go to preview night at Festival! I’ll probably be finishing this up when I arrive back. Sorry for the delay! I also just quickly re-sketched my dimensions for the block I’m twisting today so – I can’t remember the name of the ‘Traditional’ Block that I’m twisting. I’ll update this as soon as I return home and can look at my original notes.
Hard Candy Block Tutorial for
52 Twisted Traditional Block Quilt Along
Finished Block Size – 8” x 8”
By changing where certain colors go in this block – four pieces of hard candy pop out at you.
Cutting Instructions
Fabric A – Background 4 – 3.5” squares
2 – 3” squares
4 – 2.5” squares
Fabric B – Candy (I used four different fabrics) 1 – 3.5” square of each color (four total) Fabric C – Center Diamond 2 – 3.0” squares
Double Half Square Triangle
We’re going to make two of these for each ‘hard candy’ – and I’m calling it a double half square triangle. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of each of your four 3.5” background fabrics. Place one right sides together with a Candy fabric.
Stitch a quarter inch off each sides of the line you drew.
Cut along the line you drew.
Press towards the candy fabric. Draw another line on the wrong side perpendicular to the seam you just made. Place the two half square triangles right sides together so they ‘kiss’ at the seams.
Stitch a quarter inch off each sides of the line you drew.
Cut along the line you drew.
Press open.
Square the two double half square triangles to 2.5”. Repeat this with the other three hard candy colors.
Half Square Triangles
Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of your 3” square of background fabric. Place it right sides together with the 3” square of center diamond fabric.
Stitch a quarter inch seam on either side of the line you drew.
Cut along the line. Press towards the center diamond. Square your half square triangle up to 2.5” square. Repeat this with your other set of 3” background and center diamond squares.
Place all your 2.5” squares in the orientation I show open. Stitch these all together in rows and then stitch the rows together to create your final block.
And with that…your ‘Hard Candy’ block is finished! — Get your FREE printable PDF of this block by heading to my craftsy store. Don’t wait too long…after a month (11/29), the PDF will be $1. HARD CANDY BLOCK TUTORIAL – – – I can’t wait to see what all your blocks look like! Be sure to share you blocks and any projects you make using your blocks onto our flickr group: 52 Blocks Quilt Along Hashtag: #52bTT Stop back next Wednesday for another twisted traditional block tutorial!
PS – the Quilt show is AMAZING! I’ll be posting pictures of Day 3 of my adventures hopefully in the morning!
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