I know some people dread the big milestone birthday’s but I have to say – I pretty much LOVE all birthdays! It’s a great way to celebrate and a wonderful excuse to spend time with friends and family you may not get to see as much as you would like. And that’s exactly what I did this year! I put on my birthday crown (from whichgoose – I’ve been DROOLING over these for YEARS but since I already was married by the time I discovered her shop I didn’t really ‘need’ a crown. BUT a friend of mine pointed out that I could have a ‘Birthday Crown.’ And that’s all the excuse I needed! I must admit I got a few weird looks at the local Pick N Save – but who cares!?) and we had a big ole party. We started around 2 in the afternoon yesterday – had lots of games set up, nacho bar, cake, and beer. I would say 40 to 50 people showed up and enjoyed the night with us! My parents were kind enough to whisk the girls away around 4:30 and take them to a hotel swimming for the night. I managed to stay awake until midnight (which is way harder now that I’m 30!) and toasted my birthday minute! If anyone that came to the party reads this – THANK YOU so much for celebrating with me. It really made the night! Today the girls came home later in the morning and right away were excited to work on their gift for me. I took a lovely nap while they worked with their Papa.
The first gift I opened was a stool for me to sit on at my craft sales. The girls did a lovely job painting the legs of the stool so I am sitting in style!
My next gift was from Capri. She decided she wanted to paint me a plaque that said “MOM” for my new craft area!
And finally – Cedi decided to give me a garden gnome! I’ve been talking and dreaming of creating a ‘gnome garden’ in the orchard but hadn’t found the perfect one to start the fun and collection. I’m so happy with the one Cedi chose to start the garden out! I hope you enjoyed the 15th day of April too! It really is a good day to be born on!
Happy birthday! Sounds like you enjoyed it. Here's to many, many more!
sounds like a great party and day for you! Happy B-Day!
Happy Birthday, you young thing. I hope you had a wonderful day.
Looks like a wonderful celebration of your life! Happy Birthday!!! (ps. Sorry I'm late, i've been on vacation)