Have you discovered the Craftsy Block of the Month by Amy Gibson yet? If you are a quilter or ever dreamed of quilting this is the prefect block of the month for everyone! Each month Amy goes over a different quilt technique with a video. It’s really easy to understand and follow and I’ve already learned quite a few new techniques. Something I’ve tried before was English Paper Piecing. I’ll admit I was not excited to do the English Paper Piecing blocks – it just wasn’t my thing. BUT I’m not a quitter and I had to do it. I watched Amy’s tutorial and she didn’t differently than I had before so I did it her way. What a difference it made! I am now in love with making these fabulous Hexagons. So far, I’ve made up one sashing tutorial using the hexagons with plan for a second using slightly bigger ones. It’s free to sign up to be a Craftsy Member and the Block of the Month Program is also free. I’m going to recommend that you watch Amy’s tutorial to see how to make these hexagon’s. (PS. when you become a member be sure to follow me so you can see my projects and blocks as I go!) Cutting Instructions: 1 – 12.5” x 3.5” Strip 5 – 2.5” Squares (Tree tops) 5 – 2” x .5” ‘trunks’ that will be fused to your main fabric (I put the fusible on my fabric before I cut it – seems to be easier). 5 – 3/4-inch hexagon templates You can see above that I have my five fabrics and my five templates.
I used Amy’s Instructions to created five hexagons and I sewed them all together in a row.
Once they were starched and ironed I cut my basting stitches out
And pulled the templates out as well. (You can save these for future projects if you’d like…who knows…there may be more sashing’s with them)
Next, I used a washable glue stick to put my hexagons where I want them on my fabric.
Before I sewed them down, I fused my tree trunks so they overlapped under them. As you can see I cut mine at a wonky 1/2-inch x 2-inches. I thought it added a bit more dimension to the trees. I blanket stitched the outer edge of the hexagon strip and the right side of the trunks. I used a straight line stitch to stitch the left side of the trunks. I’m really happy with this fun and whimsical sashing!
Here it is finished with Block 4 – My Tilted House above it and Block 8 – A Wonky Modern House below it. (Wonky Modern House was actually inspired by the February blocks of the Craftsy Block of the Month) I hope you have fun with this sashing!
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