I realized that I’ve been ignoring the upcoming ‘Home Sweet Home’ Quilt Along (starting this TUESDAY 1/17!). I haven’t meant to but as many know – not only was this week the first week of Project Quilting – but it’s also January which means – get your taxes together and pay sales tax. That, along with my new goal to get to the gym at least 4 times a week – I’m in need of a new schedule – yet again! Anyway- back to the excitement! The Home Sweet Home Quilt Along! It’s going to be fantastic! I just finished my block design which will be posted on Tuesday. Diane is going to make it to check my instructions before I post them to you all but hopefully it’s going to work! One of your questions may be:
How much fabric am I going to need?
I’m going to be completely up front by saying I’m not 100% sure. I can give you an estimate but your best bet is to make this a scrappy quilt. Find fabrics in the same color family’s – pay attention to the tones. I think if you got a decent stack of dark, medium, and light toned fabric you’ll be sitting good. My mother-in-law, Diane, figures that if you have 5 yards, or 20 fat quarters (the scrappier the better for this one) you should be covered. I recently reorganized my fabric stash and as I was doing that I just pulled any fabric that caught my eye. The pile above is what I’m going to start with for my quilt.
I took that image and made it black and white to check the tones of my fabrics. It looks like I have a decent amount of dark and medium/light but I’ll have to keep looking for those medium/dark and light fabrics. I did include a lot of fabrics that have houses and or trees on them already. I’m really going to milk this theme and make this a full of these fun elements!
I may have a ‘few’ scraps of fabrics that I’ll be adding into my quilt as I go… My quilt is going to be a fairly standard combination of blues, blues, browns, greens and blacks with a few pinks and reds thrown in here and there. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am for this quilt! Designing the first block was super fun – and trust me – I’m showing you quite a few techniques to fit into a 12.5” square – but they’re all fun! See you on Tuesday for for the first tutorial! Be sure to become a member of the Flickr Group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1850682@N20/ so you can easily share with us when you finish your block!
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